Lucier/Dykstra album: Best Contemporary Classical list on Bandcamp

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Good afternoon,

I was thrilled to see Bandcamp’s bi-monthly best-of column for contemporary classical music includes Out of Our Hands by Alvin Lucier & Jordan Dykstra. Peter Margasak writes:

Lucier’s “Corner Church and High” cites the intersection where Wesleyan’s old music department was located, where one could hear disparate student-produced sounds colliding outside of the building. Sustained long tones on viola, violin, and cello unleash visceral acoustic beating as their sonic veil is pierced by bowed and struck tuned percussion. The tactics are familiar to Lucier admirers, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is a wonderful place to get lost in for 20 minutes. Dykstra’s “32 Middle Tones,” an elliptic play on his old address, fits perfectly here, as cellist Laura Cetilia harmonizes—using both her instrument and her voice—with the chord progressions sketched out on viola and violin. Notated silences break each iteration up, changing subtly with every pass, as the two percussionists provide frictive accents.

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